Корпоративният уебсайт вече е предназначен за ВСИЧКИ – e-Accessible

Следвайки ценностите на нашата компания за уважение и приобщаване, ние сме горди да обявим, че нашите уебсайтове (ahi-carrier и toshiba-aircon) са преработени, за да отговорят на различните нужди, предпочитания и ситуации на потребителите (Дизайн за всички). Ние непрекъснато работим върху подобряването на нашите корпоративни уебсайтове, за да бъдат актуализирани, функционални, удобни за потребителя и достъпни… Continue reading Корпоративният уебсайт вече е предназначен за ВСИЧКИ – e-Accessible

Carrier прави своя дебют в списъка Carbon Clean200

Carrier има удоволствието да обяви дебюта си в годишния списък „Clean200“, съставен от Corporate Knights и As You Sow, като признава важната работа на Carrier, водеща по пътя към устойчиво бъдеще с чиста енергия. Carrier се гордее с това, че поставя устойчивостта в основата на нашите продукти, услуги, бизнес модели и инвестиции. Тазгодишните компании Clean200… Continue reading Carrier прави своя дебют в списъка Carbon Clean200

Глобално отличие за AHI Carrier Europe за най-високите продажби на чилъри

Атина, 9 февруари 2022 г. – По време на неотдавнашната годишна конференция на ID/JV Carrier ΕΜΕΑ, Play to Win, AHI Carrier Europe беше награден за „Най-голямо представяне на чилър“. По време на конференцията бяха представени развитието на индустрията и бяха анализирани основните постижения и стратегическите оси на развитие на Carrier в по-широката зона на EMEA.

Carrier е в списъка Fortune за 2022 г.

Carrier в списъка на Fortune World на най-популярните компании за 2022 г Carrier Global Corporation, водещият световен доставчик на здравословни, безопасни, устойчиви и интелигентни строителни решения и съоръжения, е в списъка на Fortune за най-популярните компании в света за 2022 г. ( Fortune’s World’s Most Admired Companies list for 2022 ). Carrier се ангажира с всичко важно:

AHI Carrier SE Europe Air-Conditioning S.A unveils the future of the HVAC industry

During the “Weathermakers Day”, AHI Carrier CSEE presented the new Ecodesign regulation and the innovative Carrier HVAC solutions towards a greener, sustainable and efficient future. Over 230 engineers and HVAC professionals joined AHI Carrier CSEE at the “Weathermakers Day 2018” event that was held in Athens on April 25th. The meeting was dedicated to discussing… Continue reading AHI Carrier SE Europe Air-Conditioning S.A unveils the future of the HVAC industry

What is Eurovent’s certificate? Everything Air-conditioner consumers need to know

Eurovent (European Committee of Air Handling and Refrigeration) is an independent non-profit European organization that was established in 1958 and acts as a business union of the cooling, air-conditioning, heating and ventilation sector. Eurovent tests and certifies that the performance and technical characteristics of such products follow all European and global guidelines. When a product… Continue reading What is Eurovent’s certificate? Everything Air-conditioner consumers need to know

Heat Pumps: the most economical heating solution that respects the environment

The heat pump is a heating and cooling system based on the most sustainable principle of operation: instead of generating heat by consuming energy, it pumps (hence the name “pump”) the heat that already exists in the environment and transfers it to our space . Air-to-water heat pumps are currently the most widely used heating… Continue reading Heat Pumps: the most economical heating solution that respects the environment

New Air Purifiers from Carrier

Fresh air is always good! Say goodbye to germs, allergens and harmful microorganisms. The air in my house is clean. Reality: And yet! The air inside a house can be more polluted than the air we breathe outdoors. More polluted than a city’s busy street, with consequences for our health. Myth 2: Germs in my… Continue reading New Air Purifiers from Carrier

Providing essential services during this time of uncertainty, Carrier’s response to COVID-19

A message from Carrier, AHI Carrier SE Europe SA’s parent company Updated March 23, 2020 These are unprecedented times. At Carrier, protecting the health, safety and well-being of our employees and serving our customers is our top priority. Our solutions are essential to healthy living – to maintaining indoor air quality, transporting the world’s perishable… Continue reading Providing essential services during this time of uncertainty, Carrier’s response to COVID-19

Carrier Chooses R-32 Refrigerant for Commercial Scroll Chillers

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Apr. 22, 2020 As part of its commitment to provide customers with solutions that use the right refrigerant for each application, Carrier has selected R-32 refrigerant to replace R-410A refrigerant, a high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant, in commercial chillers using scroll technology. R-32 was chosen for its lower environmental impact, high energy… Continue reading Carrier Chooses R-32 Refrigerant for Commercial Scroll Chillers